(Not) Writing My Exam
So, I finished writing my first exam last night, and I'm going to get to work on my second exam today, however, before I throw myself into it, why don't I waste a little time. (For any Canadians that may be reading this, I am preparing an exam, not taking it.)
Joel Swagman inspired me to write about the only thing I ever wrote in Chimes that anyone ever read. I found it last night inadvertently by doing a Google Search for my full name. I discovered three items, this "letter" to the editor of Chimes, my employer's out-of-date "current faculty information," and most suprising of all, my name is, along with 823 others' from the Calvin community, archived at Michael Moore's website.
Well, back to the letter I wrote, which was far longer than the requested letter length. However, the editors at chimes agreed to run it, because I wrote a few articles for Chimes back in the day, and they assured me it was relatively thoughtful. I wrote it more to clarify thoughts that had been bouncing around in my brain rather than to respond to the anonymous correspondent, whose letters bordered a little on the crazy. I also felt sorry for Chris Blauwkamp who I didn't know well, but considered to be a good guy. Also, I found John Ford to be a little scary, because he went to the same Christian college as my cousin, Bev, after she broke up with him, and he was not a Christian. Then, in a mandatory dorm roundtable discussion on rape awareness, he told us all how an ex-girlfriend (presumably not my cousin, or maybe I would've heard about it?) accused him of rape unjustly. Of course, to make that discussion even more awkward, my suitemate Ryan, the RA, all but accused him of rape right there. Well, anyways, I learned my lesson, creepiness is it's own punishment.
Okay, so once again back to this letter I wrote, to which this David Bultmann guy responded by asking why I had never offered to pray for him in my letter. Part of the reason why could have been that he wrote his first letter anonymously. Well, being the unreasonable whore for other people's approval that I was and to some great degree continue to be, I sent him an e-mail basically saying, "Hey, bud, no hard feelings, let's go meet at the campus coffee shop and talk about whatever you want." Well, I never heard back from him, which was fine, because that would've been really creepy.
Back to creepiness--I am very proud to announce that if you enter my name in Google, this website is now the second result you get, right after my figure skater friend.