And I just thought the AC was broken...
Well, I sent a student home today. My young learner was expressing his desire to see my soul rot for eternity in large letters on his Latin folder, I believe the exact quote was, "Burn in Hell, Mr. Lind." Trust me, although these letters were big, they were NOT friendly. Well, anyways, it's probably due to the fact that I am a big, fascist stooge. That, or I asked him to bring his folder to class every day. Anyways, I've learned my lesson, I won't ever try and educate another thirteen year old, except for maybe tomorrow.
Well, school today bore a striking resemblance to the infernal regions--maybe my young pupil was merely trying to be descriptive rather than prescriptive. So, you know how it's not funny at the airport, when they ask you if you have anything to declare, and you say, "Just the bomb in my backpack." Similarly, it is not funny when you tell your classmates that you are going to, "Go Columbine" and "kill" them.
Anyways, two of our lovely high school students had a wonderful afternoon in the Albemarle County Jail. Who knows, maybe that afternoon has merged into a glorious evening.
All I know is that at recess, when I had to tell a young lady to go meet her mother in the parking lot, my heart was breaking because I knew that her stepfather had just passed away. Anyways, it makes all the drama behind our final dramatic production this year pale in comparison. Bless the deity.
I shan't more than mention the pile of administrivia that needs doing between now and year's end.
Suffice it to say, at the end of the school day, there were a lot of red eyes amongst our students. Man, do I need Jesus.
My favorite single movie scene ever is from The Apostle. Robert Duvall is leading a chain gain in a chant, with that deep Southern accent, whose refrain is Juh-EES-uhs. His character is a convicted murderer, but he turns to the Lord in just the same need as this holier-than-thou Christian School Teacher.
"For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer."
--1 Timothy 4:5
Lord, bend me until I break into one thousand pieces. Scoop me up and fashion me in your image. Melt my hardened heart and soften my rocky spirit. Crush my pride and my arrogance. Cultivate my love and my compassion. Overwhelm me with a flood of your mercy. Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, Kyrie eleison.
3 helpful remarks:
This is why I couldn't work with thirteen-year-olds, I'd be sobbing under the desk within a week. You, sir, are on the front line against ignorance, and I hope when one of these little motherf***ers becomes the next Bill Gates, s/he throws you the odd mil or two out of guilt for being such a rat bastard...
9:22 AM
Amen, Linder.
2:53 PM
Do not despair. The glorious end is at hand, and then we are free of them for over two months. Then, we'll get a whole new batch of 13-year-olds to make us crazy. Peace.
9:50 AM
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