This Is America,...

I read that Sen. John Warner was on the fence about supporting the "nuclear" option in the Senate. I sent the following to him to help nudge his staff in a certain direction. If you live in VA, maybe you could send a note to the Senator to help him do the right thing.
This is what I said:
>Senator Warner, I have been very pleased with your leadership in the Senate. You demanded some tough accountability from the administration during the transfer of sovereignty in Iraq. You are willing to think critically about issues rather than just parrot what others say. I appreciate your outspokenness and commitment not only to principle, but to good governance.
I have lived in VA for five years, and I will have a chance to vote for you for the first time in 2006. I am a Democrat, but am more than willing to put my support behind you because of your leadership in the Senate.
However, there is one issue on which I believe that you need to put your wisdom and thoughtfulness into action in order for me to support you. Please do not support the so-called "nuclear" end to judicial filibusters.
I would not want to see the day when extremely liberal judges get a pass on this nation's benches just because the Democrats run the show. The moderation and jurisprudence of the third branch of government is essential in maintaining the greatest liberty for the greatest number of citizens.
Another wise leader from Virginia, John Marshall, established the precedent for keeping the judiciary independent. Let's retain for all Americans the independent judiciary.<
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