και συ, τεκνον; Аргументьі и Фактьі.
"But the liberal deviseth liberal things; and by liberal things shall he stand."
—Isaiah 32:8

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

falwell v. fallwell

By the by, it's good to see the Cubs out to such a better than average start. I'm sure they'll pick it up by September. If not, there's always next year.

Okay, so here's the story of the day. Apparently, an enterprising young man (and by enterprising, I mean not out to make money) set up a website named, fallwell.com. This website is a measured but forceful critique not only of Jerry Falwell's position on homosexuality, but of his theology as well. Now, an appeals court ruled that this website has violated no copyright laws, and the Supreme Court refused to hear J-Fal's appeal.

What is more interesting to me is the content of Mr. Falwell's website. The first item of business talks about the worldly success of Thomas Road Baptist Church which, from the air, is beginning to resemble the Mall of America. Then he self-righteously declares that "ex-gays" are ignored and discounted. Whatever your feelings on changing one's sexual orientation, this whole piece ignores and discounts Jerry's marginalization of "current-gays". The last two items are advertisements for ways to give Jerry more money just for the privilege to pay attention to his interpretation of the Bible, or merely for the joy of giving Jerry more money.

If that's not enough commerce in the house of God for ya, you can always buy some more products conveniently advertised in the sidebar. Now, this ex-commie has no problem with internet commerce; however, the only free Christian content I was able to find on this website was a bizarre devotion on Ehud. I shall quote it below.

Reading For: April 19
Old Testament:
Judges 3:1-4:24,Psalm 48:9-14, Proverbs 14:18-19
New Testament: Luke 14:25-35

Judges 3:16 Ehud was the second judge whom Jehovah raised up to deliver Israel from its enemies. These Judges administered legal justice and governed. God wisely chose Ehud, who was courageous and honored God (v. 28). Being left-handed (v.15), Ehud could easily carry his dagger on the opposite leg, concealed under his robes. According to Josephus, Ehud had obtained the favor and confidence of Eglon, king of Moab, who had captured Jericho and required Israel to pay tribute. When Ehud brought Israel's tribute he announced that he has a secret message. Eglon dismissed his attendants and stood to receive more readily Ehud's two-edged message, which proved to be God's directed judgement. Josephus adds that the servants would normally be dismissed till late afternoon. Thus Ehud escaped. The Creator can use every aspect of our lives for His unique purpose. God protected His servant. God can take common circumstances and turn them into blessings and deliverance for His people.

Message: [ed. I did not delete this, it just wasn't there.]

Thought for today:
He shall deliver you in six troubles, yes, in seven no evil shall touch you. Job 5:19

Therefore, I'm going to call this one. Which website actually cares about you and your edification? It's going to have to be fallwell.com. What I would like to know, though, is how many times God has intervened on J-Fal's behalf in the Supreme Court. Maybe he isn't praying hard enough.

Yet, Jerry still has some things to say for us about this present age. Apparently, Rudy G. is a stand-up guy, but Jerry just can't support him. Let's listen to Jerry's reasoning.

"But, of course, we have, as conservative Christians who take the Bible seriously, we have probably irreconcilable differences on life and family and that kind of thing," Falwell said Sunday on "Late Edition" on CNN.

"I'll never speak an ill word about him because he means so much to America. But, yes, you're right. I couldn't support him for president," he said.

I guess it is hard to be self-righteous without being disingenuous. Well, my fellow liberal Christians, let's get back to not taking the Bible seriously and engaging in sodomy. If you don't believe me, then read my favorite Bible story, the book of Judges 19--it'll explain everything.

1 helpful remarks:

Blogger Joel Swagman shared...

Boy that Falwll is a dick. If I didn't think it before, i do now

10:33 PM


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