και συ, τεκνον; Аргументьі и Фактьі.
"But the liberal deviseth liberal things; and by liberal things shall he stand."
—Isaiah 32:8

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Yes, I'm one of those liberals Ann Coulter warned you about

The above is a reference to the popular T-Shirt/bumper sticker/piece of cheap crap phrase, "I'm one of those Christians Satan warned you about." I felt the analogy appropriate. I wrote the following to NPR this morning.

>In an earlier news summary this morning, you quoted Tom DeLay at an NRA event as did CNN, "When a man is in trouble or in a good fight, you want to have your friends around, preferably armed. So I feel really good."
However, later on your news summary did not use the quote. I think this is a terribly important thing for the American people to hear. Probably more important than the Dean "scream" which NPR endlessly replayed the day after.
I mean, this is genuinely one of the most powerful men in America suggesting that violence is an acceptable way to resolve disputes over behavior.<

If you're wondering why I am posting so much this weekend, you guessed it, I have grades due next week before I go to Philly with the 7th graders.

3 helpful remarks:

Blogger Judith shared...

1. I feel your pain around grading time; I teach 8th & 12th grade English.
2. May the goddess bless you for taking a group of 7th graders anywhere.
3. Maybe that's Delay pointing the gun at Bush's head in the picture on my blog.
4. BTW, "What's so funny about peace, love, and understanding?"

10:06 PM

Blogger Phil shared...

That's the ugliest picture I've ever taken (and most of them are quite ugly), you cruel, cruel bastard!

PS--Your friend's getting married in MN? This summer? Come and visit so I can berate you further.

2:56 PM

Blogger lucretius shared...

There are several unfortunate photos of yours truly floating around in cyberspace, so feel free to dig up the dirt. There are several times we are going to swing by the Midwest in the '05. So, I'll give you a heads up.

9:40 PM


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