I hate Illinois Nazis
I'm very shook up tonight. I called 911 for the first time in my life. I heard screaming and shouting next door, and I went downstairs and peaked my head out the door, and saw my neighbor, let's call her "Jenny", running across the street. She was shouting, "He's threatening me with a gun, call the police." I ran back inside and dialed 911, and the officers came promptly. I have called the police several times on my neighbors, because the day after we closed on the house, Jenny was taken to the hospital after having been beaten within an inch of her life. However, I never called 911 before.
This was also the first time that "John" was home when the police arrived. The police chief himself, came down and took John for a ride to talk to him. I actually recognized the policemen who came, one of the benefits of living in a small town, and they talked to me for a few minutes afterwards just to make sure I was okay and not in any danger. They assured me that he is not going to be coming around again any time soon, but I don't know if that means he has violated a restraining order, or if they just think that the police chief is extremely persuasive.
Anyways, after that, Jaimee called to tell me that a family friend in Boston is having a severly troubled pregnancy, and has to have a c-section to save her own life at 6 months. This means that the baby will quite likely not survive. So, we exchanged prayer requests. I decided to light the candle to la Virgen de Gaudalupe, because I am partly Mexican in my head. That, and I'm hypercredulous. Anyways, I didn't actually pray to la Virgen, but I did do some serious praying.
I would appreciate any and all prayer support on this one.
Anyways, I do have a little self-righteousness I need to confess. In a previous post, I suggested that Illinois Nazis were responsible for the death of Federal Judge Lefkow's family. However, it seems likely that he was just another peon, who lost a civil suit and went nuts. This does not change that fact that Illinois Nazis stink.
Anyways, I ranted to Janna the other night, about the self-righteous smugness of FOX News et al., who pointed as an example of liberal media bias, the lack of coverage on the slaying of the Armanious family of Jersey City. Their pet theory was that the Armanious family had been slain by Muslim terrorists for being Christians (Coptic ones, no less). However, it turns out that they were killed by their crazy non-Muslim tenants for living in Jersey City. I'll let the conservative media speak for themselves.
The point is, the world is full of hatred, violence, pain, and grief. However, when we try and look at it through an ideological prism, we usually only see refracted light. The truth is, we are never safe from danger, and that those who would put an end to terror or suffering on Earth, be they liberal or conservative, are on a fool's mission. However, we are commanded to keep trying, "casting our bread upon the waters" and waiting for it to come back to us. I just hope my neighbor "John" doesn't come back tonight.
"For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known." 1 Corinthians 13:12
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