It's 5:30 in the morning
Okay, so I had a nice comfy sleep from approx. midnight until 2:30 this A.M. Don't feel sorry for me, it was all due to poor planning on my part. Anyways, I got all my work done with a little time to spare, so rather than taking a nap from which I probably would not be able to wake up, I'll save it for the staff meeting afterschool today. If you want to see a roomful of hypocrites, go see a bunch of teachers at a staff meeting. Most of us don't listen to half of what's said. There are teachers doing grading, and it takes forever for the administrators to get our attention. Then we have the stupid questions...and the inane responses that only prompt more confusion. Well, anyways, it's a great opportunity for a nap.
So as a teacher, one is held to a higher standard than the rest of the populace. And nobody judges teachers more harshly than other teachers. That is why my stupid Software Design class at PVCC is so frustrating. I'm taking it online, and that was a poor decision. However, it was not available as a night class so I'm screwed. Basically, their is no instruction offered through the internet, other than--read these incredibly dense books and then solve the problems. Oh, and did I mention the program that no one in the class has been able to download? Well, I just finished my homework for today, and I have no idea if I did it right, but I don't actually care.

You may notice that I included my realtor's blog in my links. That is because she is quite possibly the most professional person I have ever met in my life. If you want to move to Charlottesville, like the rest of the Universe, she'll give you the hook-up. I also wanted to see if I could make the html code to show an image to work.
I saw the movie I Heart Huckabees yesterday while I was grading quizzes. Quite possibly the best philosophically oriented comedy ever made. The point was, well, heck, watch it for yo' darn self.
1 helpful remarks:
Dear Lind,
My goodness, but your realtor is cute!
OK, that's a stupid comment to post, but I'm posting it anyway.
9:09 PM
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