και συ, τεκνον; Аргументьі и Фактьі.
"But the liberal deviseth liberal things; and by liberal things shall he stand."
—Isaiah 32:8

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


So, today, while I was in line at Kroger, the woman ahead of me was loading up on the powdered milk courtesy of WIC. She was smartly dressed, and I imagined that she was a bank teller, because of her SunTrust lapel pin. You know, it used to be that in this country we had a moral conversation about poverty. Now, major corporations don't pay their employees enough for them to provide for their families, which forces them to work long hours so that they never see their families. Then, the government, which is being starved of tax revenue, is asked to foot the bill. All in the name of "productivity", "progress", and the best piece of Repouble-speak yet, "growth." (No they are actually, not talking about viagra.) By the way, for all those keeping score, everything above is actually a pro-family position. Raise the Minimum Wage!
Time had a nice piece on the shrill banshee that is Ann Coulter. Sometimes, I would love for Jesus to come back and ask me to hang out with a bunch his conservative followers. I, like Judas, or a pharisee, would ask him how he could possibly let this bunch of farsical @$$holes use his name in the service of their dubious objectives. Then of course, Jesus would put that stone in my hand and ask me to toss it, if I could promise that I had never, ever been a farsical @$$hole. Well, God bless ye AC, and as you cuddle up next to your Muslim ex-boyfriend as one of his houris in the afterlife, I will be repeatedly asked to explain perfect passive participles to pedophile priests in purgatory.
By the by, thanks to Commander Sue, I have discovered that I'm actually an Orthodox Quaker. This explains the strange cravings for oatmeal as a child. Don't worry, Mom, the bottom five on my list were...
5. Mormonism
4. Islam
3. Jehovah's Witnessing
2. Christian Science
and the least likely religion for yours truly to become a part of...
1. Nontheism (formerly known as atheism, but it's more fun when you mix Greek and Latin roots). Actually, I was slightly more likely to be Catholic than Conservative Protestant, but just slightly so. So screw you Falwell, Ratzinger and I are going out for coffee.

3 helpful remarks:

Blogger Sue London shared...

Meanwhile, the true red Republicans I know would be kvetching about, "Why does that Suntrust teller need WIC if she's dressed nicely and all. That's MY tax money she's spending." And then I would have to slam their heads into the table and after that I think it would get mostly unpleasant.

So, are we all going to go to meeting on Sunday? What's that? The Friends meet at 8am on Sunday?


8:34 PM

Blogger Andrew shared...

I love the belief-o-matic quiz.

My top five:

1. Liberal Quaker
2. Unitarian Universalist
3. Mainline/liberal Protestant
4. Mahayana Buddhist
5. Reform Jewish

And my bottom five:

5. Mormon
4. Conservative Protestant
3. Jehovah's Witness
2. Eastern Orthodox
1. Roman Catholic

Guess that's why they didn't seem to take my advice when choosing the new pope.

11:25 AM

Blogger Judith shared...

First of all, why do Republicans hate the working poor? That’s what the failed attempt at raising the minimum wage is about. Shame, shame on Congress for that. Secondly, if Jesus came today, he’d be labeled a tax and spend liberal who advocates the rights of women, and the new Pope would have his credentials revoked to teach theology. Thirdly, I’d bail from the RC Church & become Episcopalian if that church wasn’t founded by someone having a hissie fit b/c he couldn’t get a divorce.

9:22 PM


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