Vote for Dave Tomorrow
I know Dave Norris. I have watched him dance. I have seen him help homeless people. I have not seen him leap a building in a single bound. He is a good man and deserves your vote. But don't take my word for it, here's an e-mail from my neighbor, Judy.
HiThe Charlottesville City Council election is this Tuesday, May 2. I'm concerned that Charlottesville progressives don't understand what's at stake.
With the Daily Progress endorsing Schilling/Taliaferro and the Realtors Association supporting Schilling/Taliaferro and many Chamber of Commerce members supporting Schilling/Taliaferro, it's vitally important that Charlottesville's progressive community mobilize. We need to turn out in large numbers on Tuesday to vote for DAVE NORRIS.
DAVE NORRIS is the only progressive on the ballot. He needs our support to win.
Less than one-quarter of eligible voters typically vote in City Council elections. Your vote really does count.
Among the three City Council candidates, DAVE is the ONLY one who:
* supports Council's 2003 resolution against the war in Iraq.
* opposes the ballot amendment denying legal protections to gays and lesbians.
* has made environmental sustainability, affordable housing, and decreasing poverty and racial disparities part of his platform for Council (see
* received the endorsement of the Sierra Club in this year's election.
* says he would favor diverting funds from road-building to alternative transportation.
* opposes the Meadow Creek Parkway.
* opposes opening another vehicular crossing on the Downtown Mall.
Please vote for DAVE NORRIS on Tuesday, May 2nd.
2 helpful remarks:
Sold! If only I was in his district
11:44 PM
4:54 PM
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