και συ, τεκνον; Аргументьі и Фактьі.
"But the liberal deviseth liberal things; and by liberal things shall he stand."
—Isaiah 32:8

Friday, January 06, 2006

Captain Glib and the Schadenfreude Patrol

I'm a Democrat like I'm a Cubs fan. I get to watch a bunch of overpaid losers squander the good will of the entire nation on getting tantalizingly close to actually winning something and then totally blowing it. And then I show up next year and root for the same team.

The Dean GleamApparently someone at the Dean team thought that this image, much like the widely disseminated "Dean Scream," would get me excited by seeing Howard Dean glibly chastise G.W. over the introduction of a Big Brother-like "data-mining" operation. Dean's goofy-@$$ grin is about as appropriate as a educably mental retarded person being the leader of the free world.

Seriously, nobody likes a smart-@$$. They may laugh at their jokes, but they won't invite them to their afternoon tea. I mean, I go out of my way to create a blueprint for Democracy, and Dean himself sends this candy-@$$ grin to my inbox like he just won the goofy-looking-white-guys Olympics. I mean, I could see why a news outlet might try and capture that moment for all eternity. But Teamo Deano Supremo? What the heck are they thinking?

By the way, I was excited to hear from one Ms. Erica Schemper, whose younger sister was in my class in High School. Check out her website here.


1 helpful remarks:

Blogger nevsky42 shared...

Oh for Pete's sake, luc, did Fox slip ya a twenty? Dean's kicking ass and taking names (literally) and you're nitpicking about a goofy grin? The Dem mindset that if we do everything perfectly Hannity etc. won't have anything to say is just absurd. F**k how he looks, f**k the scream (which is the biggest single bullsh*t manufactured political crisis since Clinton got his jimmy hoovered), it's about time we had his back. 35% of this nation stands to a man behind a guy who picks his nose on camera and can't open a f**king door, and THAT'S WHY THEY WIN. I expect better from you.

If you gotta rip a Dem, go after Lieberman.

8:47 PM


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