Captain Glib and the Schadenfreude Patrol
I'm a Democrat like I'm a Cubs fan. I get to watch a bunch of overpaid losers squander the good will of the entire nation on getting tantalizingly close to actually winning something and then totally blowing it. And then I show up next year and root for the same team.

Seriously, nobody likes a smart-@$$. They may laugh at their jokes, but they won't invite them to their afternoon tea. I mean, I go out of my way to create a blueprint for Democracy, and Dean himself sends this candy-@$$ grin to my inbox like he just won the goofy-looking-white-guys Olympics. I mean, I could see why a news outlet might try and capture that moment for all eternity. But Teamo Deano Supremo? What the heck are they thinking?
By the way, I was excited to hear from one Ms. Erica Schemper, whose younger sister was in my class in High School. Check out her website here.
1 helpful remarks:
Oh for Pete's sake, luc, did Fox slip ya a twenty? Dean's kicking ass and taking names (literally) and you're nitpicking about a goofy grin? The Dem mindset that if we do everything perfectly Hannity etc. won't have anything to say is just absurd. F**k how he looks, f**k the scream (which is the biggest single bullsh*t manufactured political crisis since Clinton got his jimmy hoovered), it's about time we had his back. 35% of this nation stands to a man behind a guy who picks his nose on camera and can't open a f**king door, and THAT'S WHY THEY WIN. I expect better from you.
If you gotta rip a Dem, go after Lieberman.
8:47 PM
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