και συ, τεκνον; Аргументьі и Фактьі.
"But the liberal deviseth liberal things; and by liberal things shall he stand."
—Isaiah 32:8

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Ahhh, the gentle fall of freezing rain

Snow MowerSuckers. They shut this town down when there's a patch of slush in front of City Hall. Hey, I'm not complaining. Nev sounds happy enough too, but he wouldn't have to drive through the frozen slush to teach a bunch of snot-nosed angels.

I just finished my final website for ELDF 505 one day early, burned it to a CD for my prof, and left it in a snazzy DVD case with a cover sheet printed up and inserted. I also finished printing up all my Christmas cards. Now I just need to put stamps on them and drop them in the mail. I'm one snazzy motherflautist.

Therefore, I'm going to bask in a successfully utilized snow day by writing a narcissitic blog post that I have wanted to write for a month or so.

I'd like to talk about how people find this wonderful website. Ever since I added a sitetracker, I have been more than entertained by looking with glee at all the visitors I've had. Of course, it's always nice to see that Japanese flag and know that Comrade Swagman's been around. Most of the time, though, I have no idea who the people actually are, but I enjoy seeing the search terms that people have used to find me.

It seems that MSN Search is the most generous in sending folks my way. It seems to think that I match the original Titus Lucretius Carus in importance, especially if one searches for "de rerum natura." All I can say is thank you, Bill Gates. I've been at the top of several interesting search results pages. Some personal favorites...
  • "sexy estonian teens"

  • "people who perservere in wartime"

  • "minimum wage Missouri"

  • and the coup de grâce
  • "charlottesville christian cool"

  • Of course, it was nice to see that a link to my website was buried somewhere way far down on this webpage, along with every other left-leaning Christian this side of the International Date Line. But it was also nice to see some pals up there, including the much followed, Meg Jenista.

    Happy Snow Day! Merry Solstice!

    2 helpful remarks:

    Blogger Joel Swagman shared...

    glad to see I'm noticed

    10:24 AM

    Blogger Reverend Irreverent shared...

    too much followed, I'm afraid. The sem administration has gotten a wind of my subversive activities. Keep an eye open for some changes around my place...

    1:14 PM


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