the Snowpocalypse, part II

Here's some links for my brother and my wife, and all the haters out there who don't trust the statistics that I pull off the top of my head.
- AFT Salary Report
"...the average teacher salary in the 2003-04 school year was $46,597..." - JobWeb
- U.S. Census Bureau--Median Family Income
- College Board Document (figure below)

Southernism of the Day:
I don't know if this really counts in this category, but it sure fits into the quirky local news category. This a heartwarming story. It basically reaffirmed my faith in humanity.
Controversial Post of the Day
Love me, or hate me, I try not to be knee-jerk anything. Look at my UVa blog.
2 helpful remarks:
wait, I'm lost, what's the difference between the UVA blog and your normal blog
4:33 AM
My UVa blog is a class assignment I had to do for EDLF 505. This blog is done for the sheer desperation that someone might actually care about something I say.
8:37 AM
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