living as a Bal'moron for a weekend
According to my colleague Vickie, whose mother is from Baltimore, the city is known to locals as "Bal'more" and those same locals refer to themselves (or are referred to?--I wasn't quite sure which it was) as Bal'morons. We were there for the weekend for the 39th Annual ACTFL (pronounced as actful) Conference.

Anyways, we had attended the 2001 convention in D.C., which I had found eminently useful. However, I was a new teacher, and therefore, probably more open to new ideas. Yet this year, since the location was a little bit more distant, we drove up the night before, which allowed us to be treated to the inspirational opening plenary session. During this session we were treated to a smiling, waving ACTFL president, trumpeting the triumphs of the ACTFL organization, a monotone speech from the Italian ambassador (which wasn't even read off the teleprompter--have they no such technology in Italy?), and the awarding of the Foreign Language Teacher of the Year (the Teacher's Teacher's Pet--however, more power to him) in a cheesy reality TV show/Miss America moment.

I did meet a lot of interesting people, and I took some inspiration from the fact there are a lot of hard-working schlubs like me trying to bring a little knowledge into people's lives. Of course, on the front line in the battle against ignorance one can only expect the footsoldiers to be somewhat ignorant themselves. I feel that statement fairly describes me, and I hope any of my dedicated colleagues wouldn't take offense at that description.
Anyways, the lesson I took away from this convention was that the glass of the universe is both half full and half empty, and anyone who tells you that it is only one way is a damn, dirty liar.
I think this summer I'd like to go to the ACL Conference in Philly. However, ACTFL will be in Nashville and that would be the perfect excuse to visit ma soeur in the cradle of Country Music. And I could see that crazy replica of the Parthenon.
Oh, I posted some pictures from Allie's wedding.

Southernism of the Day
Yes, I'm shamelessly copying Joel. If "Bal'moron" doesn't count, then let's try this one for small people. Thanks, Karen.
1 helpful remarks:
copy away my friend.
6:54 AM
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