Conflict on Earth and Illwill towards Men

Sent: Tuesday, December 13,
2005 7:55 PM
Subject: and on earth, peace, to men of goodwill
Feliz Navidad, brother. I pray that God blesses your Christmas.
If we are celebrating the birth of the Prince of Peace, then why is it necessary to talk about a war on the celebration of his birthday? I thought that Christians were "more than conquerors," meaning, we are better than all those pagans who like to "lord it over" each other. Also, what about the Calvinist founding fathers like Cotton Mather or Jonathan Edwards that would have considered celebrating Christmas to be sinful and idolatrous? Also, I hope that you understand that these men did not celebrate Christmas because it was instituted by Constantine the Great in order to coincide with the cult of Invictus Sol, whose soltice was the highest holiday. In fact, coins Constantine minted feature himself on one side with the sun disk and the words Invictus Sol, and on the other side the image of the Christ. Christmas was created much like Kwanzaa to be a festival celebrated at a time of year when there were holiday celebrations for other traditions that were exclusive of Christians.
Also, if you want others to be thoughtful and understand your point of view, why do you write a polemic? I can understand if you're just trying to be entertaining, but if you're going to take yourself seriously as a thoughtful person and demand others to be conciliatory to you, why not be conciliatory towards others?
Matt Lind
Charlottesville, VA

"I am not going to let oppressive, totalitarian, anti-Christian forces in this country diminish and denigrate the holiday and the celebration. I am not going to let it happen. I'm gonna use all the power that I have on radio and television to bring horror into the world of people who are trying to do that. And we have succeeded. You know we've succeeded. They are on the run in corporations, in the media, everywhere. They are on the run, because I will put their face and their name on television, and I will talk about them on the radio if they do it. There is no reason on this earth that all of us cannot celebrate a public holiday devoted to generosity, peace, and love together. There is no reason on the earth that we can't do that. So we are going to do it. And anyone who tries to stop us from doing it is gonna face me."
I imagine that Mr. O'Reilly practiced this one with his children in between sexually harassing his producers on the corporate jet on the way to Aruba last Christmas. gleefully pointed out that for this statement Mr. O'Reilly earned the "Worst Person in the World" award from Mr. Olbermann of MSNBC.
Here's another found object from the FOXNews alternate universe website—
"Tonight's Show
Why are high-ranking clergymen avoiding the Xmas controversy? Plus, Snoop Dogg's Mother!"
3 helpful remarks:
I don't have much nice to say about O'Reilly, but I will give credit where credit is due:
It was very considerate of him to airbrush out his splotchy gin blossoms on his children's book cover, thus making his face less scary to li'l ones of all creeds and nationalities.
Just keeping in the spirit of the holidays...
3:02 PM
I'm just curious to know if Charles is any relationship to Gennifer. And I really hope that after getting an autographed copy of the book he wrote, his royalties check at least covers the therapy he's going to have to go through to recover from selling his soul to Beillzebub.
3:20 PM
I *love* that picture of John Gibson. He looks like a bleached Grinch.
8:58 PM
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