So, I ordered Silver City from Blockbuster Online, and gosh, that movie sucked hard. I watched a great documentary on Las Vegas from American Experience. An architecture historian from Las Vegas was being interviewed about his hometown. He told a story about an architect friend who was visiting him. They were walking down the strip and his friend, riled by the sheer gaudiness of it all, shouted, "This is a joke!" To which the Las Vegan architect responded, "But you get it, don't you?"
Well, Silver City was a joke of the movie, and the punchline is, George Bush is an idiotic plaything of the dark powers and the joke is on us. Of course, it wouldn't take much to convince me of that fact, but this movie was probably such a product of passion on the part of the filmmakers they decided not to make it good. Let me count the ways that it sucked—acting, directing, editing, dialogue, cinematography, etc... Anyways, being Dutch, I rarely stop watching a movie partway through, but I just couldn't keep watching this piece of crap.
However, it did contain a preview for a Korean war movie which Spencer had mentioned to me. I immediately put it to the top of the queue. The preview for this movie had that voice of the guy who is always speaking two octaves below the rest of us. It read something like...
"In a world torn apart...In a war they didn't believe in...Two brothers are fighting...for their country...for honor...and to find...each other. Bok Choi and Sum Dum Phuk star in Tae Guk Gi."
Of course, up to this point we are being subjected to an ultra-violent Saving Private Ryan-esque cascade of images. All of a sudden, that little racist who lives inside of me starting chortling. I think it was the incongruity between this deep Anglo-Saxon voice and these Korean names of people I had never heard of. Of course, I am sure that this movie will kick the pants off Silver City. However, to paraphrase Monty Burns, you don't have to kick that movie to get its pants off.
1 helpful remarks:
Happy Holidays. And you've been tagged.
10:44 PM
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