So, my dentist may be one of the most boring, bland people I have ever met, but what I like about him was that he always cleaned your teeth himself—and he was as gentle as the soft April rain that melts the snow in the rolling foothills of fairyland. However, today I was confronted with his new dental hygenist straight from Camp Delta, Gitmo. I exaggerate, of course, but all I know is that if I were an al-Qaedista, I would've caved under those interrogation techniques. Granted, I had not been as faithful with the flossing these last six months as I generally try to be (especially the month before the check-up.) However, Sub-Commando Hygenia made a note in my chart that next time she's just going to have the "power tools" waiting for me. (An actual quote—"Not that it will be any less painful, but we'll be done faster.") So, anyways, I guess if I ever had motivation to floss, this would be it.
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