Piss me off once, shame on me. Piss me off twice...you can't piss me off twice
Let's summarize, for those who have been away.
Karl Rove: (on phone) Okay, Byker, we need to send Bush somewhere to give a commencement address where he's not going to look like an ungrateful, spoiled jackass, and we've decided it's going to be you.
Gaylen Byker: (on phone) Yes, my liege, it is a privilege to host the dark master.
Shadowy Calvin Administration Figure: Okay, Nick, we've decided that your decades of thoughtful scholarship in the Reformed tradition are not enough to earn you the right to give the commencement address we promised you. So go f*** yourself.
Nicholas Wolterstorff: Right back atcha! I'll be tending my garden, meditating on all the s*** you'll have to wipe off your damn fool faces.
Official Administration Announcement: It should please one and all to know that the prince of this age has deigned to bequeath us, his lowly subjects, with his most wise and beneficent oratory. Wow, this makes us look good in the eyes of man.
Small Minority of Liberal Calvin Community Members:Whaaaaa?
Media Echo Chamber: Blah, Blah, Blah... Bad! Uncivil! Blah, Blah... (sound of words twisting in the wind)
Gaylen Byker: Those ingrateful bastards! I mean, how many chances are they going to get to have one of the most divisive and arrogant public figures in living memory address their children with some pithy, meaningless tripe that he didn't even write himself! I mean this deeply uncivil discourse about someone who has personally approved of ad hominem attacks against members of his own party is surely unwarranted. Let's shorten his remarks to fifteen minutes, that'll hold 'em.
Official Calvin College Commemorative Commencement Publication: Our glorious leader did hold court over a great peaceful ceremony today. His profound and thoughtful sayings didst bewisen and bemuse the graduates, who shall proceed forth into the world to redeem creation for greater Republicania (and Jesus, maybe). Oh, and all who did disagree with his wise and prudent policies are uncivil and rude.
Disgruntled Liberals: Bitch. Moan.
Michael Van Denend: (in letter) I know you ungrateful liberals are full of hate, but can you still send us money? I mean, you should hear the conservatives whine about how much you whined. I mean, it's like you don't love us anymore. So, how's about a check for a new dorm? I mean, you can't hate us forever, right? Oh, and go read a book on civility.
Calvin College Spark: (beating a dead horse) Isn't it great that the leader of the powers and principalities of this age came to Calvin. Let's have an uncivil civil discussion about it.
Randy Bytwerk: I didn't sign the letter because I'm a Republican, dumbasses. Oh, and the people who signed the letter committed a grave, grave sin.
Karen Saupe: I signed the letter because I'm a Democrat, dumbasses. I can't believe that people would bitch at me for having an opinion different than theirs. WTF?
The moral of the story—dissent is uncivil. Unthinking support of the government—well, what would Jesus have done? Oh, Calvin College, they'll take your check no matter for whom you vote, but don't expect them to care about your opinion.
The real moral of the story—we're all full of s***, and by "full of s***" I mean, corrupted by sin. So if that is a core belief of our theology, why invite a man to speak at commencement whose actions and ideas don't seem to really live into it?
1 helpful remarks:
ha HA! This was a good read. thank you.
2:01 PM
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