και συ, τεκνον; Аргументьі и Фактьі.
"But the liberal deviseth liberal things; and by liberal things shall he stand."
—Isaiah 32:8

Saturday, October 01, 2005

In which Satan buys a down parka

I bought Flax & Fiber Crunch cereal today. I guess I have to eat it, or send the starving children in Africa a check for $5.95.

the colon-cleansing goodness of fiber matched with the texticular goodness of flax

I had a meeting with a dietician yesterday. She told me to eat flax. I asked her in all sincerity, "Isn't that what they use to make linen?" Well, I guess I'm going to have to eat my natural fiber shirt.

Now, I'm going to go lift (weights, that is). Who am I and what have they done with the real Matt?

3 helpful remarks:

Blogger Lampy shared...

Your blog is fun. What kind of teacher are you? I'm a music teacher in Toronto. I love it but man, I am tired and we totally deserve July and August and all other holidays for dealing with what we sometimes deal with. ;)

By the way, don't believe the crap about flax. Just eat healthy and you'll be fine.

12:17 PM

Blogger Phil shared...


I know the feeling. Today I made a schedule. And then I followed it. That's the funny part, because usually what I do with schedules is to ignore them.

But my counselor and I identified time as one of the areas where I tend to disempower myself. Look at all the psychobabble in the last sentence and tell me that's really me writing. Fuckin' pinch me. No, I mean me, not "Me," as in the self-identified "Me" who just commented.

Change takes time, right? And disorientation.

5:25 PM

Blogger nevsky42 shared...

This is my fiber cereal of choice.

6:11 PM


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