So, I'm sitting, eating Chinese food, and watching Judge Judy. (Yes, there is a soft spot in my heart for loud, obnoxious know-it-alls; I'll admit to watching Dr. Phil in many moments of weakness.)

Anyways, I get a call from a woman who asks me if I live at my address. I ask as politely as possible, "May I ask who is calling?" She tells me that she was calling to collect a Capital One Bill. Now, at this point I am worried, because I think I might have a Capital One card, which I don't. She tells me that I haven't paid a bill since June. I tell her that I haven't gotten any letters from any Capital One people telling me about this. She tells me I owe her da money. I get extremely agitated, and I remember that I had a credit check in July or August, thanks to the lovely Inessa telling me that I had never once made a late payment. She then asks for my social security number which I refuse to give her. She then asks for my birthday, which turns out to be two years and several months off from the late payer. My social security number also does not start with a 2.
At this point she attempts some sort of lame apology. I didn't have balls enough to ask for her supervisor, and I wish I had. Nevsky thinks this is due to the complete breakdown of civil society under the current regime. I don't know if I should give Jorge all the blame, but I am less scared of someone stealing my identity than some credit card company confusing me with one of these @$$holes.
I'm also feeling hacked off having to deal with a bunch of belligerent students (that I had to teach last year). It is also my perception that several folks have gotten into my face about things that do not matter.
In case you are wondering, this blog has ceased to be about anything except for my mental health. So if it ceases to be interesting to you, that's probably because it isn't interesting.
2 helpful remarks:
It's a good thing you didn't give this person any pertinent information. My mother had her Discover card # stolen when she faxed my plane ticket from Houston to NY. She failed to white out her important iformatio & someone paid his/her electric bill with her card.
10:33 PM
Dude. It's OK. I've burdened my faithful readers (which include 1) you and 2) ...) with plenty of shit about my mental health lately.
These collection agents are brutal. Brutal. I think they represent the powers and principalities of death. Way bigger than GWB.
3:27 PM
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