και συ, τεκνον; Аргументьі и Фактьі.
"But the liberal deviseth liberal things; and by liberal things shall he stand."
—Isaiah 32:8

Monday, February 14, 2005

Virgil Goode, Jr. M.C.

This is the letter my elected representative sent me today.
Dear Mr. Lind:
Thank you very much for your recent email in which you shared your feelings about the need to continue maintaining the Hubble Space Telescope. I appreciated your observations about the Hubble and its importance in the area of astronomical discovery. I will gladly show your views every consideration when decisions relating to the funding priorities for NASA and related agencies come before the Congress.
Thank you again for communicating with me on this matter.
I appreciate the communique, but on the envelope, Virgil refers to himself as an M.C., which I believe infers that he is a Member of Congress. However, I hope this does not mean that Representative Goode is spinning discs in Georgetown for the under 30 set. If he is, I would suggest, he do some mixing and matching, and make his DJ name, "Goode M.C. Jr." I think that it has the very hiphop cachet which could give him more street cred with the black voters. At least he has come out against President Bush's crazy scheme.
Do you remember Perfect Strangers? When Larry would always come up with some crazy get-rich-quick scheme, Balki would bring him back down to earth with his naive Mediterranean simplicity. Well, I think W. is Larry, and hopefully Howard the Dean can successfully play the part of the crazy 2nd cousin. Sparks are sure to fly.

2 helpful remarks:

Blogger nevsky42 shared...

Mr. Goode would do a lot more good for the citizens of VA-5 by cuttin' and scratchin' over at R2 than jacking up this district with his idiocy.

And can we please not use "crazy" to describe Dean? I'm guessing you don't consider competence and wanting to catch terrorists "crazy", and I've got no stomach for making a joke out of that Fox News bullsh*t.

Great blog.

8:29 AM

Blogger Sue London shared...

It hurts my brain. It would make a scene like this...

W: Dean, what are you wearing?
Dean: My Spider Man payamas.
W: Dean, why are you wearing Spider Man pajamas??
Dean: Because my He Man payamas were dirty...

(Yes, I was enough of a fan of that TV show to pull a scene out.)

5:33 PM


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