Redneck Agenda
So, many thanks to my friend Ann, whose inadvertant dialing of my cell-phone increased my street cred with the students today. Her misnumeration caused my cell to play "American Idiot" by Green Day. My students expressed sincere shock that my mobile (that's for you, Jess) did not play the first declension song (to the tune of Mary Had a Little Lamb). Anyways, my students are far more excited about DJ Funky Fresh rockin' it all night old school style. For shizzle.
I wonder how many of my preconceptions are complete b~!!$&!#? The other day, I saw a guy walking somewhat distractedly at Food Lion, and I was just amazed at how real and fragile he seemed. He looked like someone who has a 9-5, a family, and the usual distractions from the meaninglessness of daily life, but he had a look on his face that he just was lost.
I wonder how often I wander around with that look on my face. Do strangers look at me and take pity? Does everyone wander around with that look on their insides. I have a sneaking suspicion that we all do.
Like, take the snowfall today. As soon as my students saw the snow falling, they went crazy. I closed my blinds and threatened to send them to "meteorology class" in the Dean's office. The truth was, I was going just as crazy as they were, but only inside the privacy of my own mind. My first mental reaction was "Call their parents, bundle 'em up, and send 'em home."
However, I have the advantage of being able to check while I work, and I could see that fate had a cruel twist in store for our pint-size friends. The snow didn't fall early enough for honest, frost-fearing, Virginia school administrators to scramble to be the first to cancel school that day for no good reason. Nor did it stay long enough on the ground or in the air for anyone in the headmaster's office to think about packing it in early.
The forecast for tonight looks like it offers an equal disappointment. So, it looks like the Movement Marathon is still on, and yours truly is now expected to actually play music that someone wants to listen to.
Kyrie eleison. The LORD moves in mysterious ways.
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