Grading Projects
There's nothing quite like web-surfing to make grading projects an all-night affair. Well, I was reading this article at Al-Jazeera, and I realized that any idiot could make a comment afterwards. I also realized that I could easily fit into that category. So, I decided that I needed to send out an urgent message to my Farsiphone brethren. This is a shout out to the Medes and Persians!
Why do we have to be hating on each other? What is the deal--Iran, we have huge gas guzzling cars, you have lots of oil. Here's how it works, you can ask us to bend over and charge whatever the heck price you want, and we'll fill up our giant SUVs as much as we want because we have no self-control. Everybody gets rich, stupid, and happy! If you all are still obsessing over 1979, I want you to know, Americans need a major network mini-series to remind them of anything that happened more than half a decade ago. We're totally over that whole hostage thing. Just give it a few years, and we'll be so sick of Iraq, we'll have totally forgotten about Osama, and he and the Bush boys can get back to wildcatting and overthrowing governments which respect human rights. This means you have nothing to fear.
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