Sunday, January 23, 2005
Using My Blog for Good
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Help a brother out and do your search here. I'm saving up to buy a paperback.
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Reflections on the Computer Screen
Corrupting the Youth
Things I Believe In
Ordine Hilaritatis
I guess I did write these
- The Agony and the Irony
- The National Museum of the American Indian
- "We're spreading freedom in Iraq, darnit, freedom!"
- The Unkindest Snow of Them All
- Grading Projects
- Redneck Agenda
- DJ Funky Fresh
- This is my head, because I'm trying to put my pict...
- This is a picture of me in front of my house.
- That costume sure looks like a forgery, and doesn'...
Buy Me a Present
Terror Alert Level
I like buttons
Cost of the War in Iraq
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