The Unkindest Snow of Them All
In previous posts, I wrote about my students' anticipation of the "Movement Marathon" and their dissapointment at our first snow of the year. Well, today was a first, because of when the snow fell, not only was the Movement Marathon postponed, but the day off that they were anticipating to sleep off their caffeine hangovers became a school day, albeit with a two-hour delay.
>For northerners, a two hour delay is when you wait two hours for the snow to melt, because, it probably will. By the way, the city overloaded our street with salt during the first snow so that absolutely none of the snow stuck on the ground. (The City of Charlottesville actually has a small salt-stockpile and a few snow plows. Albemarle County, which is a separate entity (welcome to the East Coast), has, I think, one snow plow and a bag of salt that they bought at Lowe's.) They overloaded our steet with salt, because last year, during a particularly bad snow, our neighborhood was one of the last to receive snow removal services. It took three days before our road had been plowed, and even then, it was only a cursory plowing. I think all of this is evidence of racism. :)<
Anyways, all this aside, this cruel twist of fate, in which snow actually ended up adding a day to our pint-sized friends' school year, came about due to our inside connections with the Richmond Times-Dispatch. Our 8th grade English teacher's husband is an award winning sports writer for the aforementioned newspaper. He called her at about 4 o'clock yesterday to let her know they were upping the possibility and amount of precipitation for the overnight. Therefore, we cancelled the Movement Marathon based on the above information. Although the snow came as predicted, most roads were clear by the morning, so we proceeded with a two-hour delay school day.
Anyways, I'm excited about this weekend, because I'm going to Washington, D.C. this weekend to see my friends Ryan, Rebecca, and Aubrey, and to meet Aubrey's fiance. Hopefully, the city is still not as crowded with Bush protesters and corporate lobbyists from Bush's inauspicious inauguration. For the non-Latinists in the crowd, an inauguration orginally involved the prediction of the future from flights of birds and entrails of sheep, etc...
Neca eos omnes. Deus suos agnoscet.
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