tomorrow is another day
Well, we drove half-way across the country today. It was good to see youse guyse, especially, Guamo, Chewy, and Phil.
Of course, it always takes time to wind down emotionally from such a trip, but I was doing a bit of reading in Karen Armstrong's, A History of God. I was reminded that مسلم (Muslim) means, "one who submits," and الإسلام (Islam) means, "submission to God." What I didn't know was that كافر (kafir) can be loosely translated as "infidel," but possibly more accurately as, "ingrate." This was a beautiful dichotomy for me. Surely there are no true infidels in the world. There are merely those who understand they have no real control over the universe and thus can accept what they have and secondly, those with a continually unfulfilled sense of entitlement which either comes with an outsized ego or martyr complex. Of course, yours truly probably fits entirely in the second category, however, I would like to think that I strive to fit in the first.
Hopefully, pictures will be forthcoming soon, however, tomorrow, I shall take the day to prepare for my trip to Yorktown. By the by! Janna and I have been given the honor of becoming my niece, Hazel's, godparents.
Secondly, Guamo, I hope the secret is not out of the bag, but my counter tells me that someone in Chicago found this page while doing a Google search by your first crushee's name.
2 helpful remarks:
Thanks for the heads up. I was caught just a wee bit off guard considering I haven't seen Erin since the fifth grade. Scary how far the Internet reaches.
9:53 AM
I get the feeling there's a story behind this that I'll have to bug you about later Tom :)
Matt, Damn good to see you and Jana. Safe travels back for you and Janna
11:23 AM
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