και συ, τεκνον; Аргументьі и Фактьі.
"But the liberal deviseth liberal things; and by liberal things shall he stand."
—Isaiah 32:8

Thursday, June 08, 2006


This was today's, Word of the Day, and somehow it seemed incredibly pertinent. This, of course, was a major theme of Hamburger Hill and something which homeless people, apparently, say quite a bit, "Ain't nothing but a thing." So, for this post, let's cue up the Audioslave.

rest in piecesAs I have mentioned on this blog before, I am attempting to practice gratefulness, which is known on this blog as gratitude. Seemingly, this would be a day to be grateful. The extremely unhealthy dynamic in the Bush/Zarqawi relationship seems to have been resolved to everyone's satisfaction. Six billion people get to anticipate Zarqawi's imminent eternal damnation and Al-Qaeda gets a martyr. This is from the AP:

Al-Qaida in Iraq confirmed al-Zarqawi's death and vowed to continue its "holy war," according to a statement posted on a Web site.

"We want to give you the joyous news of the martyrdom of the mujahed sheik Abu Musab al-Zarqawi," said the statement, signed by "Abu Abdel-Rahman al-Iraqi," identified as the deputy "emir" or leader of al-Qaida in Iraq.

"The death of our leaders is life for us. It will only increase our persistence in continuing holy war so that the word of God will be supreme."

However, and this is more significant to me, my rear bike tire got its third flat in eight days. I shan't mention the bike repair shop to which I have brought it twice, but I think I may have to go to Todd for this one. This would not have been nearly as frustrating if I did not discover the leak as I was biking home from the service station where I had just left the one and only Lindmobile.

Of course, there is the theory that pain helps us to learn the source of that pain, and then having been enlightened by our pain, we can live better lives. I bought that theory last night. The car needed an oil change, so the fact that it was acting up just a little bit was merely its way of reminding me to give it better care. Or, the fact that I'm going to have to have $300 worth of dental work done should remind me to floss every day. (Did I mention my last name stands for "Lousy Income No Dental?" And did I mention that "No Dental" means I have no dental insurance?)

Anyways, this theory was not holding up on the walk home. Seriously, what could God or the universe possibly want to teach me by allowing my only remaining means of vehicular transport to literally deflate in my hands? Of course, I guess the answer was gratitude. I mean there are so many good things in my life. And now I have an iron-clad excuse to stay home and prepare for the foreign language cook-out at my house, rather than to make a brief appearance at work on my bicycle, talk to my co-workers, get no work done, and then scamper home to tidy. God bless the summertime. See, now I'm grateful.

1 helpful remarks:

Blogger Snotty McShot shared...

The title of yer post is one of me Granny's favourite words.

She's also partial to a bit of "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis".

3:52 PM


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