Dominus videbit.
Field Day was a success. It was a spiritual victory as well. Although it was somewhat predicted, the weather broke perfectly for Field Day. Late Tuesday afternoon things started to dry up and the sun began to shine. It was perfect weather yesterday—the sun was shining; it was neither too hot nor too cold. This morning when I woke up, it was dreary and bleak again. Students who were normally surly and disruptive thrilled to the challenge of transferring water between two krateres with a kylix. They planned a week ahead of time to show up in owl shirts with the letters ΑΘΕ. They downed garum (or its Vietnamese equivalent) with aplomb. I felt validated as a professional, a teacher, and a human being.
The LORD really has provided in my life. I can cite the daily mercies of my gorgeous Jalaila, a cozy house, and a job which allows me room for a modicum of creativity and intellectual challenge. I have abundant food and clothing. I have political and economic freedom. I have friends about whom I care and who care about me.
Specifically, I have had the opportunity to finally make summer plans, and the end of my master's degree is in sight. In fact, I have signed up for all but one of the classes which I need to take. All of this has worked out to provide an opportunity for me to visit Michigan this summer with Jahalia. I'll send out an e-mail soon to any Michiganders or Michivisitors who might be around.
For the past few months I have come to the realization that it's not my job with which I am unhappy, but myself. However, God has given me the opportunity to change myself. Old habits, unlike old soldiers, die hard. However, I have lost 45 pounds over the course of the past year. I have been making good progress in the gym, in the pool, and on the road—both on bike and on foot.

Today, the 8th graders have trekked to DC for a field trip, leaving me a delightful expanse of 3 hours in the middle of the day to write this blog, research Spanish Fort, AL as a possible vacation destination, and maybe do some grading. And, the fact that I rode my bike to school is prohibiting me from visiting a certain Rex Hamburgensis.
I've always lacked ambition, but my future is brighter than ever now that it is wide open and carefully prescribed.
1 helpful remarks:
Matt! I'll be in Michigan myself this summer. By all means please send me a message and look me up! Looking forward to meeting up again.
12:39 PM
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