law and order
No, Kirk, you can't get away. From hell's heart...I stab at thee. For hate's sakeI spit my last thee.

I just wish the GOP were actually in as desperate a position as they are acting. Although I find this particular low-grade fascism abhorrent, I completely understand the moral dilemma in which the human race finds itself. The truth is, as someone pointed out in Calvin in Common or somewhere else, people do not DO better when they KNOW better. In fact, as brain science tells us, one is much less likely to do something if it “feels” wrong, rather than “knowing” that it is wrong. It turns out that whether or not we got to, we generally do go with our gut.
Therefore, liberals need to stop trying to educate and start making people feel that it is wrong to deny loving partners medical benefits, legal recourse in the result of a breakup, or any possibility of making legal contracts that define status. If Republicans are the party of law and order, they sure do like to make it hard for immigrants or gay people to participate in their law and order society.

Of course, the last time we had a “law and order” president, this is what we got.

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