fare fiasco
Let's make the record straight, Wednesday's ride was the most enjoyable time that I have spent by myself in years. Certainly, I was exhausted physically, especially in my assmeat, but I was able to explore an entire new world of rustic farmhouses, old folks settin' on the stoop, 19th century plantation houses, and fields and forest as far as the eye could see. I saw wildlife—pheasant, grouse, turtles, rabbits, squirrels, frogs, etc...; I saw tamelife—dogs, cats, cows, sheep, goats, and even the occasional fowl. I saw rural Virginia and it was amazing. To top it all off, almost as soon as I arrived in Mineral to camp, I was able to stop at a winery and do a tasting. Their whites were all solid, and I enjoyed their Norton, which is a Virginia varietal, as well.
However, today, four spokes on my brand new rear wheel broke. The ever helpful Jaimee drove all the way out to Lake Anna, the scene of my spiritual depantsment, to fetch me and my bike and ferry us to Ashland, where the local bike shop was unable to replace the wheel. I returned home to C-ville, where the originial wheel replacers were very apologetic. Anyways, I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat, but now I get to visit with the Siblings Nevsky this weekend. Maybe a shorter ride in the Blue Ridge Parkway might be a jumping off point. And some day, I shall conquer Virginia by bicycle, or at least the eastern part of the state, give or take the few miles that I have already ridden, not including or pertaining too anything that might be too hard or cause me to loose heart and give up. Offer good through 2008. Limited factory MSRP, see dealer for details.
Anyways, adventure isn't adventure without setbacks, and setbacks are all you get unless you move forward again.