You can't always get what you want.
That's what the sign said on the AFC as the reason why it would be closed on the day of the Stones concert. Cute.
But how true it is...

- Let's talk about baseball.
- Last year the Cubs got tantalizingly close to doing well in the off-season, only to loose it all to sheer incompetence. (Excuses about fan interference are merely excuses.) Ah, well, 'tis better to have loved and lost than never have loved at all, especially if your insurance covers therapy.
- This year, by far, the two best teams in baseball were the Cubs' NL and AL archnemeses.
- It gave me great pleasure to see all the East Coast teams lose. I am sick of hearing about Yankees and Red Sox. And I've hated the Braves since childhood, because of the loss of my sports innocence at the trading away of Greg Maddox.
- I told Dave during one of our runs together, that it would probably be the White Sox and the Cards in it for all the monkeys. The situation being a true Cub fan's worst nightmare notwithstanding, I hope that's what it comes down too. I just want to be able to hold my head up a little bit higher around all these east-coast elitists. Anyways, as I said to Spencer, "I hope the Sox, grrrr, make it to the World Series and get beat, and if it's the LORD's will that the Cardinals do it, then I'm just going to have to accept it."
- Let's not talk about baseball.
- Today, a student was disenrolled. This was not the sole reason (according to some he should have been sent away months ago), but it was the straw that broke the camel's back—he called a fellow teacher a b**** to my face.
I'm going to be one of the bad guys tomorrow. C'est la vie. - Today, another student had an epileptic seizure. Goodness, besides the sheer fear of any unknown medical problems, it must be terribly embarrassing to have something like that happen in front of your peers.
- Long day. Pax vobiscum omnibus.
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