Baby on board
Well, the LORD moves in mysterious ways.

I didn't really think Tullia was up to it, but she has produced an heir, whether male or female we shall see. (Apparently, the hotter the temperature, the more likely a female.) However, as is always the case in our universe, new life is matched with new death. It appears that "Baby" had a sibling that didn't make it. The inexplicable smell coming from the turtle shelter has now been explained. The poor little one has been interred below the sand.

Now, surely, Baby will find many obstacles to reaching adulthood. Therefore, I am ready to let go of my first-born turtle if the LORD asks him/her of me. However, I am already planning on being a doting turtle-daddy. I bought Baby a new house, a water dish, and specially-formulated Calcium-rich sand in which to play. All along with a serving of dog food and some turtle pellets, hopefully Baby's nutritional needs will all be met. I am still debating how to take care of Baby this winter, as de Vosjoli says that turtles do not hibernate until their second or third winter. I imagine that I will have to create a mini-terrarium inside to care for her.
I realized the other day that there may be many dead links on the archives of this blog. Just as likely, there are lovely graphics which may no longer display themselves. I have decided to take a Zen attitude to the situation. Just like I was sad when I had to bury my turtle-that-never-was, but not really sad, I feel able to let go of those pictures and links as they slowly die over time. I feel that blogging should be like sand-art—brash in its inception, and then gently fading with the winds and the tide.
- The more things change, the more they stay the same.
- If one were not able to correctly parse the last post, my sister is pregnant, and I'm going to have a niece/nephew on my side of the family. The bundle of love and joy should arrive in March, but hopefully will not be as bellicose as its birth month.
- Jaimee is hopefully going to buy the house next door from Tara. Commuting to work by tandem bicycle, anyone?
- My mother has a job interview in, of all places, Charlottesville? Whether she gets this job or not, please pray that she finds an outlet for her prodigious talent which provides generous health insurance.
- "My fellow Americans, tonight I'd like to talk about peace in South Vietnam."
- The times, they are a' changin'.
2 helpful remarks:
I am so incredibly impressed that you have a turtle. I LOVE turtles. I am looking at a stuffed turtle as we speak. Once when I was camping in Nova Scotia there was a HUGE snapping turtle on our camp site. We fed him hot dogs, took pictures with him (yes, I picked him up) and named him Lord Snappington.
I had a turtle when I was little - I think his name was Slick, like the turtle in that weird cartoon (the one where there were elf type creatures with tails that lived in the walls of some kids you remember that show?) but we had to give him away because we soon found out that turtles carry salmonella and salmonella and little kids don't mix very well.
In any event...your turtle is incredibly cute. I MUST see more pictures :)
11:39 AM
This is wonderful. Congratulations.
2:28 PM
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