και συ, τεκνον; Аргументьі и Фактьі.
"But the liberal deviseth liberal things; and by liberal things shall he stand."
—Isaiah 32:8

Monday, February 20, 2006

de malorum et bonorum natura

So, I have a theory. The National Rifle Association is secretly
influencing the plots of all the action movies in America. Why, you ask? Because, in every single movie, the bad guys can't shoot strait.


For instance, as I was grading quizzes and watching TV on Sunday afternoon, I switched between the Olympics and Clear and Present Danger, brought to us by Tom Clancy and Harrison Ford.

Clearly, if the bad guys were to just take some shooting lessons, they would no longer be as bad. Then they could fight on the light side of the force. Obviously the stormtroopers from Star Wars are all the rejects that couldn't cut it in the rebellion. By the way, check out this link.

Stormtroopers can't shoot straight.

Of course, there's always the one MacGuyver character that doesn't use a gun, but still kicks @$$. By the way, the MacGuyver super-bowl ad was the only one that really got a laugh out of me.

1 helpful remarks:

Blogger nevsky42 shared...

Speaking of our good buddies over at the NRA, they filed a suit to overturn San Francisco's handgun ban. Guess activist judges are OK when they're on your side...

6:25 PM


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