the state of irony
I hope that my gentle readers have found this very webpage unintentionally funny on more than one occasion. However, thanks to Snotty's recent webcapades—speaking of things ending "-capades," when has "flamboyant" ever meant "very homosexual" more than here—I have found several wonderful websites.

Kyle started out hating Christians. He listened to anti-Christian music, played violent video games, and created a website attacking various Christian organizations while praising the work of Chris Harper. Kyle was a troubled boy. However, this all changed when he found Jesus. Since then he has gotten himself cleaned up, has started listening to Christian rock, and is now a respectable looking young lad. His parents - being Jewish - were hesitant to accept his new found faith, but they do consider it better that Kyle is now following Jesus instead of Marilyn Manson. Kyle has recently graduated from Fellowship Christian High School and is now attending Fellowship University. When not studying, he helps maintain our web site.
I don't mean to be mean, but these people can't be serious, can they? Of course, they can't. All this, I have discovered, is a joke. Except for that Chuck Norris video. As far as I can tell, that is actually real. However, for some ironical Chuck Norris fun, go here—
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