Thanks for making me feel special
I would just like to thank everyone who came to my party yesterday! I'm especially grateful that my birthday-mate and great neighbor, Judy, was able to make it. Yet, my heart was warmed that a whole bunch of my friends, neighbors, co-workers, and just general gosh-darn good people were willing to make the trek out to the little duplex that could. The outpouring of alcoholic beverages was even more greatly appreciated. (And Nev, now that I have my own đ@мŋ olive oil, Janna can't tell me to use the boring old vegetable oil instead for economic want.)
It made me feel cool that I could actually produce edible substances on the grill and in my brand new Martha Stewart® angel-food cake tin. It was also such a pleasure that you guys--especially, little Cassidy--tut-tutted over my turtles like they were something special. However, most of all, it made me feel special that you all care enough to come out and say (and sing, thanks Ina!) "Happy Birthday."
Anyways, thanks for caring and have a great weekend.


3 helpful remarks:
Happy Birthday fellow Cancer!!
5:47 PM
Happy Birthday there fella! The picture suggests you haven't quite grown up yet. Good for you!
8:30 PM
That picture's almost a year old, I've much more mature now :)
9:45 PM
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