Hey @$$holes, terrorize this
Terrorism doesn't work the same way as international sanctions. The way to change policies is to put the screws on the top dogs, not on the average Nijel Underground. The worst thing that's going to happen to W. is that he is going to fall off his bicycle. (Thanks new blog friend, I enjoyed your blog.) Tony Blair is untouchable, he's been re-elected more times than Churchill. In fact, I'm more scared of my own government drafting me and sending me to Fallujah than I am of some ©Ø©ж blowing himself up to earn extra houris in the afterlife. Actually, I'm more scared of a deer jumping in front of my car, getting struck by lightning, eaten by a giant squid, crushed by a meteorite, or being smothered to death in a river of chocolate in Willy Wonka's factory.

The fact of the matter is, terrorists are not that scary. I challenge a terrorist to come to my house and kill me. Besides allowing my wife to cash in on my 50K life insurance, what will they be able to say that they have accomplished? (By the way, when I die, I want all my usable organs to go to people, and I want my ashes turned into a diamond.)
Seriously, it's just like when my parents told me that the bugs are more afraid of me than I was of them (which didn't seem insectoidally possible--however, we won't go into that). It's the terrorists that are scared. They are scared of a world in which other ideas besides their own are tolerated. They are scared that they won't be able to find a job, make ends meet, or appear like a man before their family. They are scared that they won't make it into heaven, that Allah doesn't really like them, or that their beard isn't sexy enough. They are scared that Jews are going to eat all their babies and rape their women.
They are scared, irrational, and don't know where to turn. I know, as a teacher, that the best way to handle that situation is to be calm, reasonable, and reassuring. The worst way is to back those folks in a corner, be belligerent, and get personal.
Peace is not only the answer, it's the only answer.
2 helpful remarks:
On a completely unrelated note, happy birthday, Matt!
11:15 AM
Their beards aren't sexy enough? Has all of the terror been about access to hair products? Jeeze.
5:49 PM
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