και συ, τεκνον; Аргументьі и Фактьі.
"But the liberal deviseth liberal things; and by liberal things shall he stand."
—Isaiah 32:8

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

la dolce vita
albeit musically challenged

Despite a humidity that clings to your skin like a rubber glove, it is great to be doing nothing in Charlottesville in the summer. I rode my bike to the Downtown Mall today to run errands. I ran into Peter Kleeman, whom I consoled on Rich Collins' loss. Apparently, David Toscano won the primary, although at last minute, I changed my mind and voted for Rich Collins.
I have decided, I'm going to change my strategy and vote for the one I most want to loose, because, I haven't voted for a winning candidate, but once, and that was for city council. Thanks Tom Tomorrow for that joke--in a cartoon after the 2000 election--"Voters in California didn't realize that it was 'Backwards Day,' meaning that they should vote for the candidate they most wanted to lose." Personally, I think we should change every election into a reality show; it'd be more entertaining.
Well, I also talked to Doug and his precious daughter Cassidy, who were trolling the mall so that Mara could get some work done at home. I did my errands, came back home, and am now attempting to find .pdf files of paper tanks I can print out on card stock and make. I found a Tiger I on a Japanese website, but it didn't have any instructions and it has a lot of parts, so it may be sitting on my desk for a while. I did find a Brazilian website that feautred a Jagdpanzer, which are really ugly looking tank destroyers, but there are instructions to make that one in a language I can vaguely read.
I also found out that MSN Music is featuring a buy 1 get 5 free deal. Well, since I am really bad at remembering the names of artists I like, I am asking the help of my more musically saavy friends. What 5 tracks should I buy with this free gift from Bill Gates et al.? I have until September, but I'm impatient, so give me some suggestions.
Oh yeah, did I mention I woke up at 11:00 this morning. Finally, this teaching thing is starting to pay off--I got the sweetest card from one of my students today with a big ol' gift certificate to Barnes et Noble. Also, in the heat of the afternoon, to enjoy a delicious wow cow frozen yogurt ("I call it frogurt") and Diet Coke at Arch's served to me by one of my former diligent Latin students--la vita è bella!

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Blogger nevsky42 shared...

Welcome back!

6:17 PM


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