W the dope fiend
I can't really hold it against him, seeing as Bill Clinton did the wacky weed in college. However, I find Clinton's excuse, that he didn't inhale, a little more sympathetic than Dubya's. For instance, the first (several) times I tried to smoke a cigarette, I couldn't for the life of me, inhale the darn thing. It was for sheer stupidity's sake. Therefore, I have a lot more sympathy with Clinton.
Bush, on the other hand, was condemning "hippie freaks" at the same time as he was popping acid. He was justifying the Vietnam War while going AWOL from his National Guard Unit. This is just hypocrisy, pure and simple. Now, I've been hypocritical about a lot of things in my life, but I don't try and pretend like Jesus likes the hypocrisy.
For instance, Bush's administration set the tone which allowed the Abu Ghirab and Guantanamo abuses to happen. At the same time he claims that he is against torture in all forms. I believe that an honest Christian man would have to admit that he is somewhat culpable for these abuses. However, Bush praises Rumsfeld's performance and "stays the course," recruiting more America-haters in the Middle East.
This is the kind of moral hypocrisy which earned Bush his stellar 49% approval rating, after being re-elected by an overwhelming 52% of the populace. I have been praying for Nemesis to punish his hubris for the last five years. However, I am afraid that the punishment that has been meted out has fallen upon the just and the unjust alike. It is the working dupes of my generation that are going to be eating out of trash cans until they die dejected in an alley.
By the way, Bush, if you want to cut Social Security benefits, why don't you just cut them, rather then hand them over to those same @$$holes who passed you the hash pipe at Yale.
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