και συ, τεκνον; Аргументьі и Фактьі.
"But the liberal deviseth liberal things; and by liberal things shall he stand."
—Isaiah 32:8

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Swalling Your Own $&!#

I recently checked out some Ali G videos from Blockbuster online, while I enjoyed his movie Indahouse, I wasn't so thrilled about the interview show. This displeasure was based on a principle Ricky Gervais of the BBC show The Office, mentioned in an interview with Terry Gross. Mr. Gervais mentioned that, in order for something to be funny, the one making the joke needs to be the butt of the joke. This was definitely true of Ali G for Indahouse, but in the interview shows, after having listened to the audio commentary for a few minutes, I realized Sacha Baron Cohen was mocking those whom he was interviewing without any realization that his characters sometimes come off as giant jerks.
Anyways, recently, at my friend Phil's blog, some young man who likes to frequent airport bars and is suprised that the other customers are only as bright as he is made a quite rude post. By the way, his website has quite an ingenious title, I think you will discover. Anyways, this guy is intellectually masturbating on his negative emotions and then swallowing his own effluent.
Now, I know that some have accused me of sending my own fair share of negativity into the electronic world, but I'm going to take this as a message from the ghost of blogging future. I need to watch my negativity, so that I don't metamorphose into this cockroach.
God bless America, because we could really use it.

5 helpful remarks:

Blogger Snotty McShot shared...

"Vidoes from blockbuster" "butt" "come off" "jerks" "young man" "rude" "masturbating" "swallowing"

What's this post really about, Matt? And that post about Spongebob. Matt?

5:59 AM

Blogger Snotty McShot shared...

Ooooh, "cockroach", eh? Sounds like you're getting a bit of a hate-on there yourself, bro. Excellent work.

I'm just happy to be able to spread the un-love.

Keep hatin',


6:00 AM

Blogger lucretius shared...

Here at de rerum natura we believe in equal time, so I would like to thank Mr. McShot for coming by to talk about his website The Department of Hate.

7:20 AM

Blogger Snotty McShot shared...

Here's something I hate: the tendency of bloggers to use the royal "we", as in "here at de rerum natura we believe in equal time", as if blogging isn't predominantly the domain of solitary onanists. What's going on? Why does everybody do that? Did I miss a meeting?

9:00 AM

Blogger Snotty McShot shared...

Say there, Matt. Thanks for the air-time, most gracious of you.

To return the favour, I've given you a chunk of love back over at the Department.

My sincerest regards.

6:43 PM


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